Sexe | Femme |
Intéressé par | Femmes, Hommes, Couples, Trans |
Age | 18 |
Taille | 160cm - 170cm |
Poids | 45 - 55 kg |
Cheveux | Brunes |
Yeux | Marron |
Origines | Blanche / Caucasienne |
Langues | Russe, Anglais |
Ville d'origine | Эквадор |
Poils Pubiens | Rasées |
Poitrine | Moyenne |
Cul | Moyenne |
Pour en apprendre encore plus sur KOMCOMOLKA, vous pouvez poser des questions payantes sur tous les sujets qui vous intéressent !
1. What’s your favorite sex position ?
A turtle in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the bathroom and... (nothing else happened) 😅
2. Pourquoi le sexe matinal est le meilleur ?
Because men feel good in the morning) Replaces charging!) I'm for sports) 😃
3. Domination ou obéissance ?
I can be different 😏 The one who is tired is the one from below)
4. Quel a été votre meilleur orgasme ?
With a man..) 🤤
5. Où voulez-vous faire l’amour ?
In a tent and swatting mosquitoes on my butt 🙂
Правила игры:
Стоимость билета для участия- 22 токенов в общий чат с надписью Лотерея !
Каждый участник может купить неограниченное количество билетов!
Количество билетов ограничено - 100шт!
Розыгрыш проводится, когда будут проданы все 100 билетов.
Каждому участнику присваивается номер и генератор случайных чисел выберет одного победителя, которому отправятся 1000 токенов на счет!
Rules of the game:
The cost of a ticket for participation is 22 tokens to the general chat with the inscription Lottery!
Each participant can buy an unlimited number of tickets!
The number of tickets is limited - 100 pieces!
The drawing will take place when all 100 tickets have been sold.
Each participant is assigned a number and a random number generator will select one winner, who will receive 1000 tokens to his account!
Участники тираж №1 Participants of draw No. 1:
1. Vozdyh1
2. More-More
3. Gorg2000a
4-8. Yulianna2015
9. boop-ripper
10-20. gopherhole
21. Jodisboy
22. Palo4ka88
45-54. green2323
55-56. rokotaff
57. stogramm
58-62. gopherhole
63-67. Heavenslover
68. Bosssss-1
69-76. Vozdyh1
77-79. luckylack
80. Qlocco6
Победитель / Winner - №54. green2323
Clips Amateurs de KOMCOMOLKA

The cost of a ticket is 50 tokens!
Choose 7 numbers in the range 1-31, the random number generator will determine 7!
Match at least 2 numbers and get a prize.
2 numbers - 150 KTK
3 numbers - 500 KTK
4 – 2000 KTK
5 – 5000 KTK
6 – 10,000 KTK
7 – 20,000 KTK
* KTK (virtual token***seniaToken) for spending in my room
For the entire menu (EXCEPT for playing the lottery) and a discount on private sessions, but not more than 30%
but in private, woooowwwwww****..